
有这么多不同的营销形式, 你如何决定选择你的品牌?

User-generated content (UGC) is one form of marketing that’s made significant strides in recent years, 变得如此受欢迎,以至于一些品牌 只有 认为这是一个有价值的资源.

如果你以前没听说过UGC, 你也许能猜到这需要什么, 但也许不是它所包含的内容. 

So, 我们来分析一下什么是UGC, 不同类型的UGC, 以及它给品牌带来的好处. 继续阅读所有的信息.


User-generated content refers to content that is created and shared by individuals. 

These individuals don’t have to be mega-famous influencers (or even micro-influencers) but relatable people who produce authentic content.

They know how to produce effective content that resonates with audiences, fostering genuine engagement and trust at a much more cost-effective level.

There are many different types of UGC that brands can implement to benefit their online strategy, 包括:


Unboxing videos feature individuals sharing their experience of opening and revealing the contents of a product sent by a brand.

They’re incredibly easy to film and grab the audience’s attention instantly. One reason why people watch unboxing videos is to see what a product looks like in reality, as pictures of the very same product online can be misleading. 

This is a great chance to wow potential customers with branded packages that provide a unique experience for the recipient.


Tutorials will show precisely how a product is meant to be used. Providing step-by-step instructions or showcasing the features of a product or service will give prospective customers prior knowledge of the products you’re selling, thus making them likely to purchase if they know how and why a product is going to affect them.

这些视频提供了实用的见解, 提示, 和评论, 教育观众,提高品牌知名度.

之前 & 后

之前 and after videos are exactly how you expect them to be. 

个体展示了他们之前有的东西.g., a messy kitchen space, then show the product or service that has improved it, e.g.这是一种让厨房保持整洁的存储解决方案.

It gives the viewer the feeling that they, 太, can achieve the “after” look.


Trending content is a tricky one to frequently incorporate into your strategy, 因为不可能预测什么才是真正的趋势.

但, 如果你能快速行动,跳到热门内容上, 你可以真正最大化你的广告系列的表现. 事物趋向是有原因的, and it’s because a particular audience enjoys the form of content on offer.

Trending content can be as simple as showcasing your product or service alongside audio that’s trending, or you can go a little further and take part in a trending challenge, showcasing your product or service throughout the challenge.


User-generated content brings a whole heap of benefits for brands of any size. Even if you’re a long-established business turning over millions of pounds a year, adding UGC to your marketing repertoire can be incredibly worth your while.


  • 85% of consumers consider UGC to hold more sway than brand photos or videos.
  • 基于ugc的广告也得到 4倍的高点击率 rates and a 50% drop in cost-per-click than professionally made brand ads.
  • In 2024, brands using UGC in their marketing campaigns will see a 用户粘性增加25%.

Utilising UGC helps brands to be seen as authentic, which inevitably fosters trust amongst customers. 

UGC is created by real people who share their real-life experiences, and with about 92% of customers saying they trust reviews and recommendations people share rather than advertisements, it’s essential to pander to the majority and give them what they want.


这个饼状图是由Stackla编译的数据创建的, which focused on post-pandemic shifts in consumer shopping habits. They found that a staggering 79% of customers surveyed stated that UGC highly impacts their purchasing decisions. When compared to the measly 9% of customers opting for influencer-created content, it’s a no-brainer that UGC is the more powerful 太l for your marketing strategies.

最重要的是,现在的消费者 86%的可能性 相信一个使用UGC而不是付费网红的品牌. When you look at the high costs associated with influencer marketing, this means that UGC isn’t just more effective but more affordable, 太.

十大网博靠谱平台网红营销的相关成本, this can range from a few hundred pounds/dollars for smaller influencers all the way to the tens (or hundreds) of thousands for larger creators. 

事实上, 一位未透露姓名的影响者 (有100,000-250,000 followers) released the pricing packages she provides to customers, 其中包括1美元,在Instagram上一次性拍一张照片. 现在, 这只是一个例子, but these costs can be significantly higher and considerably lower; it just depends on the influencer.

On the other hand, the costs associated with UGC marketing tend to be a lot lower. One site scoured the internet for data and came up with an average cost of $212 for a single piece of UGC. 

Within recent years, UGC has revolutionised how brands connect with their audience. From its ability to foster authenticity and build brand loyalty to its cost-effectiveness, UGC has become a standard for brands looking to build a community with its customers.

