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Digital Transformation Stories: Slalom

数字化转型故事是十大网博靠谱平台数字与我们的成员进行的一系列新的采访, 从那些帮助促进数字化转型过程的人,到那些已经或正在经历转型的人, 了解更多他们在数字化转型方面的经验,并分享他们的建议.

Joining us this week are Slalom是一家专注于战略、技术和业务转型的现代咨询公司.


Slalom是一家专注于战略、技术和业务转型的现代化咨询公司. We combine personal connections in our local communities with global scale.

We support businesses going through digital transformation in a number of ways; helping define their strategy and roadmap, ensuring that they have the right technologies aligned to the right business processes, 在实现价值和实现可持续变革的同时,始终以人为本(员工和客户). 

In addition, Slalom有能力为我们的客户开发和提供世界一流的数字产品, blending design, 工程和分析专业知识,帮助他们为客户带来更好的结果.

We don’t see digital transformation as a one-off exercise - it is an ongoing journey. 这一过程将包括引入灵活的工作方式,为组织的持续成功奠定基础.

您认为2019冠状病毒病大流行对企业如何进行数字化转型产生了什么影响, and what trends do you think we’ll see fuelling digital transformations post-pandemic?

疫情迅速发现了那些已经接受数字化转型的企业, 谁足够敏捷,能够快速响应不断变化的客户需求或行为, and were resilient to the changes enforced on their operations by the lockdown. It also identified those that were not ready. Overall, 这场大流行凸显了企业接受技术及其带来的一切的必要性. 

Moving forward, we will see a renewed drive to generate valuable insights from data, a greater willingness to embrace the cloud and all the benefits that it offers, and a desire to be more agile, so we’re able to remain competitive, getting new products to market more quickly, and engaging with customers more effectively.


数字化转型的关键考虑因素之一是要清楚企业试图解决的问题, and not to lose sight of this. Often there is not a single problem, 相反,有一系列相互关联的挑战需要理解和优先考虑. 

Think big, start small. Focus on the destination, but not at the expense of making progress.  Plan yes, but do not spend so long planning that you don’t take action. 今天的目标目的地不太可能是最终目的地,因为世界将发生太大变化.  

In defining your destination, 了解变更对客户和员工的影响(如果他们不会受到影响的话), where will the value be generated?).

一旦对问题有了清晰的认识,就有可能开始制定解决方案. 这应该被分解成小块,这样就可以以增量和迭代的方式交付, realising tangible value each step of the way.

The capability and capacity of the business to deliver the change is a key factor, together with an understanding of the cost and potential disruption, underestimating this can undermine the process from the outset. 

As well as delivering the change, it is important to consider the capacity of the business to absorb the change. How to ensure safe transition into operations? Who will be impacted? How will they be impacted? What other challenges are they dealing with?

一个成功的变更过程将允许业务向前发展,并将过去抛在脑后.  What does “finished” really look like?

What role does culture have to play in digital transformation, and how can businesses create a culture that embraces digital and mitigate risks?

As with any meaningful change, culture has a huge role to play in a successful digital transformation, although it is often overlooked. No matter how much effort you put into changing processes, roles, titles and ways of working, if you do not achieve cultural change, then things will eventually revert to the way they were.

Changing culture is hard but not impossible. It needs to be led from the very top of the organisation, fuelled by a clear, compelling case for change (the “Why?”),并不断通过行动、视觉符号、提示和提醒加以强化.

通过帮助团队理解在此过程中创造的机会,变更也可以受到“自下而上”的强烈影响. This is often facilitated by the introduction of new talent, or partners, bringing different capabilities and experience in working in different ways. Every new hire will change the culture slightly.

Successful organisations often demonstrate a growth mindset, openly communicating the impact of successes, reflections on failures and the lessons learned along the way.

As the journey is likely to be a long one, one of the most important features of successful organisations is resilience, aided by empathy and provision of guidance and support.


数字化转型的目标是交付增量业务价值还是解决存在的威胁, it is important for it to be owned by the business. This requires leadership alignment on priorities, as well as clear ownership of areas of activity and associated outcomes.

Even when establishing foundational elements such as establishing a new platform, it is important to focus on a specific, 高优先级用例或业务问题,以便尽快实现价值.

Triggers for a digital transformation can include emerging competition, performance issues, feedback from customers or employees, or changes to the operating environment. 从早期采用者那里吸取的经验教训可以帮助指导可以通过与同行和合作伙伴讨论进一步发展的方法.

Roadblocks are often internal. As a result, leadership alignment is also critical in managing complexity or inter-dependencies, and to enable rapid decision making to maintain momentum.  

How can businesses measure ROI on digital transformation?

尽管敏捷数字化转型的资金审批可能是一个挑战,因为它很少与既定的资本支出融资流程保持一致, ROI can partly be measured in the traditional way, based on tangible and intangible benefits delivered by the process.

Of course, non-financial metrics are also important. 数字化转型的工作场所通常更快乐、更有活力、更有创新精神. 这可以通过员工敬业度和计划外流失率等指标来衡量. 

如果做得对,实验、创造和革新也会导致一些失败. Within this context, metrics on how many projects have been stopped can be valuable, as well as how many have been successfully delivered.


It is almost impossible to keep pace with the changing technological landscape. 尝试这样做可能会导致组织惰性,因为在取得任何进展之前,新技术的引入会不断分散注意力.

Instead, the trick is to establish a flexible, functional platform capable of meeting today’s business needs, and which can be scaled, enhanced and extended as the business grows and requirements evolve. As a result, 我们看到越来越多的人转向基于组件的架构,它允许组织与技术合作伙伴的生态系统一起开发和工作. 

如果你能在企业数字化转型之初给他们一点建议, what would it be?

Get started. 从最重要的事情开始……在过程中建立信心和动力,通过明确理解的业务优先级来展示早期价值.g. revenue, customer experience, operational efficiency). 

To find out more about Slalom, click here.

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